Lets talk food intolerances

Let’s Talk Tolerance & Triggers: Why Your Gut is as Unique as You Are!

Did you know that just because someone else can’t tolerate certain foods, like onions, garlic, or wheat, doesn’t mean you automatically can’t either?

It’s true—when it comes to gut health, each of us has unique tolerances and triggers. Foods that can upset one person’s digestive system might be perfectly fine for someone else. This is especially the case when dealing with FODMAPs, a group of carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest for some people.

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Understanding FODMAPs and Fructans

Let’s break it down. Foods like wheat, onion, garlic, and leek all belong to the fructan FODMAP family. Fructans are carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest, leading to gas, bloating, and other uncomfortable symptoms for some individuals. However, here’s the twist—not all fructans are created equal, and not everyone reacts to them in the same way.

While onions might be your worst nightmare, wheat might not be an issue at all. And the key thing to remember is that tolerances can vary based on portion size too. Smaller amounts of a trigger food might be totally manageable, while a larger portion could lead to discomfort.

In fact, Monash University, the authority on FODMAPs, recently updated their app to give 10g of onion and 1 medium spring onion the green light—meaning these can now be included as part of a low FODMAP diet. This is great news for those of us who miss adding a bit of onion to dishes!

Individual Differences Matter

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need to avoid an entire food group because someone else does, but gut health is not a one-size-fits-all situation. The foods that cause symptoms for others might not be problematic for you—and vice versa. That’s why it’s so important to test each food individually. For example, you might find that you can handle garlic-infused oil but not fresh garlic, or that wheat doesn’t cause you any issues when enjoyed in moderation.

This kind of exploration can be empowering because it helps you find the widest variety of foods you can enjoy without discomfort. Restricting your diet unnecessarily can lead to nutrient deficiencies, increased anxiety around food, and a feeling of deprivation, which nobody needs!

Finding Your Balance

If you’re struggling to identify what triggers your gut or you want to expand your diet without discomfort, know that you don’t have to do it alone. Here at the Gut Health Clinic, we’re all about finding what works best for YOU. By working together, we can help you navigate your personal tolerances, expand your diet in a safe and gradual way, and avoid unnecessary restrictions.

Remember: This is a journey of exploration and understanding your own body. It’s not about comparing yourself to others or following blanket rules. It’s about discovering your unique tolerances, so you can enjoy your food with confidence and comfort.

Don’t limit your diet based on others’ experiences—test your own limits, and learn what works for your body.

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